b'Throughout their lifetime, Jack and Barbara haveDiagnosed in her home country of Nicaragua, the only contributed to the health and well-being of countlesssurgical option they offered would leave her jawless for childrenboth nationally and internationally. life. Fortunately, she found her way to Nicklaus Childrens Hospital, and thanks to the Jack and Barbara Nicklaus Unfortunately, many children around the world remainChildrens Legacy Fund, a highly talented, multidisciplinary in need of medical help that is not available or coveredteam was able to remove the tumor and reconstruct her by insurance or government assistance. Withoutentire mandible.philanthropy, happy endings would not be possible.Your generosity helps make miracles happen and allows At the age of 7, Grethels family learned she hadus to continue providing support for childrenlocally and osteoblastoma, a benign, bone-forming tumor that isfrom around the world.extremely rare and requires surgical resection.Scan the QR code with your phones camera to learn more about the Jack and Barbara Nicklaus Childrens Legacy Fund.'