To further the legacy of the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation by providing annual support of programs and projects focused on the health and well-being of children and families.
Friends of the Foundation ages 21 to 45 are invited to join the Golden Cub Ambassador Club, because together we can make a difference #ForetheChildren! 100% of the funds raised will be distributed annually to a program or project in support of children’s health care as voted on by the membership.
Anthony Aguirre
Jonathan Aker and Aliche Trabocchi
Lance and Doreen Aker
Danny and Adara Askin, Jr.
Jean-Paul Azzi, MD
Bret and Amy Baier
Lily Barnard
Sophia Barnard
Chloe Bieber
Robert & Paige Blumer
Derek and Alexis Brock
Cliff and Dara Budnick
Austin Burkett
Austin Burr
Tyler Cameron
Tim and Lindsay Campbell
Nikki Cantlay
Ryan & Morgan Capolino
Adrienne Capps
Alexa Casciano
Logan and Kait Cline
Tanner Cline
Darren and Melanie Craft
Jon Cross
Rob and Nicole Dattolo
Jorden Davis
Luke and Kirsten Davis
Philip Doumar
Tyler and Rachael Eifert
Mike Eissey III
Ben & Cristal Eleazer
Christopher Erdmann
Connor Esrick and Caitlyn Rowane
William Finck
Katy Fisher
Nathan Flah
Joe and Nikki Floyd
Jay Ford
Katie Fox
Alyssa Freeman
Andrew and Alexandra George
Daniella Gibson
Josh and Taylor Guittap
Maggi Haigh
Ryan Heisey & Jillian Idle Heisey
Colin Hickey
Chloe Hoffmann
John T. & Nicole Hogan
Wayne Huizenga III
Nicole and Oliver Hurd
Bo and Bri Jahna
Jimmy Janis
Colby J. Kempe and Ashley Wolf
Conner R. Kempe
Carly Kennerly
Teddy Kirk
Jon Anthony LaRocca
Nicholas LaRocca
Christopher and Stephanie Mahaney
Danielle & David Mahoney IV
Brandon Martin
Mike and Turner Mistretta
James Molinari
Alex and Summer Motes
Paul Murray
Casey Nicklaus and Gordon Crump
Charlie Nicklaus & Casey Fearns
Taylor Norris
Dylan and Lindsay Nugent
Billy and Lily O’Leary
Bobby O’Leary
Chris and Mackenzie O’Leary
Kelly O’Leary
Nick and Mallory O’Leary
Cody and Colleen Parkey
Nicholas Pascucci
Trey Polhemus
Mark Purcell
Tom Rapp
Hattie Reedy
Michael W. Saylor
Rebecca Schulman
Sarah Schulman
Matt and Sara Schuster
Jackson C. Sewell III
David and Chrissie Siegel
John Siganos
Max and Lindsey Spanier
Rachel Spillane
Todger and Christie Strunk
Tanner and Elizabeth Strunk
Casey Taylor
Emily Valentine
Maximilian Westerman
Alex and Jennifer Wittmann
All sponsors receive recognition on event signage and the Foundation website, along with membership representation.
For more information, please call 561.630.0025.
Contributions are 100% tax-deductible.
Checks can be made payable to Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation and sent to:
11780 U.S. Highway One, Ste. 105
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
To pay by ACH/Wire Transfer please call 561.630.0025.