May 14, 2024
Cognizant Classic in the Palm Beaches announces $2 million donation to Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation
Courtesy of WPBF 25
While everyone enjoys watching the PGA Tour’s best players tee it up at PGA National every year for the Cognizant Classic, the true impact of the tournament is felt on days like Monday with the tournament presenting a $2 million check to the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation.
Monday’s donation brings the event’s all-time charitable contributions to over $70 million, including more than $55 in the 18 years since Children’s Healthcare Charity, Inc., became the official beneficiary.
The money generated continues to help families like the Kuklas of Jupiter who were all smiles on Monday at Jupiter Medical Center. But they needed the incredible service at Jupiter Medical Center and Nicklaus Children’s Hospital to save the life of their son Landon.
“With the staff and the easy access to that care, it was just priceless. It saved his life,” said Caley Kukla.
It’s the vision of Barbara and Jack Nicklaus to provide the best pediatric health care possible in the local community.
“You raise funds and you know it’s for children but when you actually see a child that is a miracle because of his life-saving care at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and Jupiter Medical Center, it’s what it’s all about,” said Barbara Nicklaus.
“This tournament wouldn’t exist if this foundation didn’t come together years and years ago for us to have the tournament. It’s of significant importance to me and the PGA Tour, Cognizant and the tournament in general that we continue this relationship and the tradition,” tournament executive director Todd Fleming said.
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